Creating a Budget
Say goodbye to stressful, guilt-filled budgeting. We’ll help you create a system that puts you in control. By learning to pay yourself first and prioritize your goals, you’ll gain a clear, confident view of your financial picture.
No more guesswork—every dollar will have a purpose, and you’ll be the CEO of your finances. It’s time to lead your money, not be led by it.
“Slay Your Debt First” Workshop
Debt gets in the way of saving, so let’s create a plan to pay off debt then shift those savings to other goals. You’ll build a budget so that you know exactly how much can go toward additional debt payments and can adjust your plan as you go.
“Pay Yourself First” Savings Rate Workshop
Move beyond budgeting basics and focus on maximizing your savings. You’ll review your expenses, categorize them, and walk away with a system that works for you to ensure you are hitting your age-appropriate savings rate for retirement.